At-Home Teeth Whitening Tips and Tricks

At-Home Teeth Whitening Tips and Tricks from Lilac Dental in Austin, TXConsidering at-home teeth whitening? Many individuals experience a desire to whiten their teeth to rid them of stains. Whether it be at home or via a dental office, teeth whitening can make a significant difference when it comes to brightening one's smile.

However, not everyone is in a position to undergo professional teeth whitening at a dental office due to the cost. Because the treatment is not typically covered under insurance, it can be a daunting thing to pay for out of pocket. With that being said, some people look into store-bought products or DIY processes for teeth whitening. With either of these come some things to keep in mind to ensure safety and efficiency.

Things to keep in mind when teeth whitening at home

Outlined below are some tips and tricks that can be helpful to individuals who are whitening their teeth at home. Continue reading to find out more!

At-home tips

While there are a lot of DIY teeth whitening solutions online, it is not recommended to utilize any of them due to the unknown of what could happen. In the event that these processes are still done, it is important to talk with a dental professional beforehand.

Nonetheless, the tips that are outlined below are applicable to any type of teeth whitening treatment process.

  • Follow the instruction labels exactly.
  • Do not use teeth whitening products for longer than the time that is stated.
  • Run any store-bought products by the dentist first.
  • Avoid drinking heavily dyed beverages for a few days after the teeth whitening treatment.
  • Do not repeat the treatment until the necessary time has passed.
  • If any side effects occur, note them and immediately see a dentist.

Things to keep in mind

When it comes to teeth whitening at home, there are a few things to keep in mind depending on the type of treatment being used. Individuals who are using products from the dentist should abide by the instructions provided to them. However, for those who are using store-bought products or DIY solutions, the following things should be made known.

  • Any store-bought products should be run by the individual’s dentist first to check for any dangers or concerns.
  • If there is any discomfort or irritation during or after the teeth whitening treatment, the product should not continue to be used.

There are, of course, many things to be aware of when it comes to whitening the teeth at home. For specific recommendations, a dental professional can evaluate one's mouth and the products being used.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Whitening in Austin, TX

Learn more about at-home teeth whitening

Individuals who want to whiten their teeth at home should always consult with a dental professional beforehand. As stated earlier, there are some products accessible to the public that are not the safest for at-home use.

Dental professionals can perform an evaluation and make recommendations on at-home teeth whitening products. This ensures safety and efficiency when it comes to the entire teeth whitening process.

Request an appointment or call Lilac Dental at 737-600-8776 for an appointment in our Austin office.

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